
Does anyone here think that the EU has overstepped its boundaries and has intruded too much...?

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much in the affairs of individual nations? I believe it has and it seems that only neo conservatives and liberals defend it. You have people like Angela Merkel and Sarkozy who are supposed to be conservative politicians but want to expand its influence even more. What gives folks? What can we do to pull the UK and Ireland BACK from the EU. Trading is fine but no country or organisation should be able to override another. It seems as if we are either pandering to the EU or the US.




  1. Hello.

    Yes,this country has given up the majority of its sovereignty to the dictatorship which is the EU. From Heath in 1972 to Brown in 2008, ALL British Prime Ministers have sold the rights of every man, woman and child to the grand designs of the EU. Our once great Houses Of Parliament are now nothing more than a 'rubber stamping' glorfied County Council.

    Whats even worse is that there isn't one mainstream policitical party who wants to pull the plug on it. We have a gutless, gumptionless, spineless and useless Prime Minister whose nothing more than an EU lacky shoe-shine boy.

    Since we are denied a vote to stay or leave the Euro gravy train, it is obvious we are now living in a dictatorship. The only way forward is to overthrow such a dictatorship and this can best be done by the ballot box. The fact that we have wishy-washy liberals fence-sitting and only jumping on the bandwagon when it suits them,a Labour government which does what its told when barked at, and a Conservative opposition which is bereft of anything good like pulling us out of the EU altogether, means someone somewhere has to form a policitcal party whose aim is pull the gurgler on the EU.

    No wonder the French want a NATO equivalent - if any of its 27 members break the rules, they can send in the airforce to bomb such members into submission.

    Alan L.

  2. I am by far no expert on the EU, but I really don't give them a chance of existing longer than 20 years. Just seems like to much too fast to me. Of Course we (the US) seem to be everywhere for the last 60 years.

  3. Could you cite examples of what you mean? Cases where you feel the EU has overstepped a boundary, or intruded on something? Concrete examples. I hear a lot of complaining about the EU, but *rarely* do I hear actual examples, like: the EU is pressuring Germany to allow large trucks to drive on the autobahn Sundays, which is something allowed in most EU countries; people here oppose this change, because they like have truck free autobahns one day of the week.

    Even links to newspaper articles about controversial EU actions would be great.

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