
Does anyone here think the feminists win the argument?

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Or do feminists just indulge in slander and name calling




  1. I have noticed that the feminist argue circles around the misogynists.  With the hatred that anti women spout their is very little room for critical thinking or logic.

  2. Feminists win some arguments and they lose some.  Normally, their views can be taken two ways.  But when lunatics like the late, not-so-great Ms. Dorkin open their mouths, they can lose all credibility

  3. Well, it certainly isn't the lunatic anti-feminists, at any rate - I've never seen such a massive black hole of ignorance as I do with many of the crazy anti-feminist statements seen on here :-)

  4. My point exactly, I believe we as people should not argue are grievances but address them as a collective and resolve them.

    Nobody; man or woman wins a battle because, it is petty and asinine. If things are to change we have to be able to talk to each other, without manipulation or lies. We need to discuss and debate; fighting and arguing get us nowhere real fast.

    Like I say all the time; I have been put through **** by both men and women. But I do not judge all men and women on that; I say 'well I just met an a*****e' because I believe the majority of people are kind, honest, giving human beings.

  5. I think feminists have kicked plenty of a-ss in arguments here. We all have at some point.

  6. Online yes, logic beats out popcorn.  Women and men are alike as ice and water are alike.  To think genders are the same is just advancing some kind of Russian Communism or German Nazism.  

    As more of a group animal, they gang up on us to achieve their goals.  Not pretty but efficient and often gets the job done.  Have they won?  Look how men and women here answer each other and you will see patterns of intellect.  

    Slander and name calling is foremost amongst them and was successfully used by n***s and Communists.  Remember the Brown and Black shirts of history don't need to be polite.  They only need to carry a truncheon.    

    While some battles  are won (via logic) by men, I think the war is lost.  Men are too busy fighting in divorce courts and are being destroyed piecemeal.

  7. The are trying to make a point, sometimes they get a little loud, but at-least they are speaking out to correct crimes against them. We men just don't see the crimes because we are the ones committing them,,, how convenient.

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