
Does anyone here understand the connection between the mind & certain dis-eases?

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If so why would you think a person would have blocked circulation in their foot? If they feel blocked from going forward & they start moving forward will the physical foot problem go away?




  1. Circulation represents the ability to feel and express the emotions in positive ways.

    Feet are to do with understanding of ourselves and of life - past, present and future.

    Blood represents joy in the body, flowing freely (or not in this case).

    So my own interpretation of the above would be; poor/blocked circulation in the feet could mean the person has little/no joy due to not understanding themselves and how their life is going and not expressing how they really feel.

  2. Imbalances come into our bodies, by either what we take in in food, drink and thoughts, as well as external factors....The body/mind/spirit are all interconnected, and  so to heal someone, first one needs to find the source/ may be diet, it may be because of inacurate thought patterning.....for example a sore throat is a sign of holding in angry words, a feeling of not being able to express what a person feels......eye problems, not liking what you see in your own life.

    louise hays can heal your life, is excellent to understand the mind/body connection. the feet represent our understanding of life, ourselves and others, and circulation our ability to feel and express emotions in a positive way.

  3. not in the sense your implying. generally people who are more stressed tend to get sick often but its not due to the existence of some spiritual force. and the reason their stressed doesn't determine the illness they may be likely to get. there is no medical reason why a person should have circulation problems in their foot because of how their feeling mentally. and if your asking this question because you are experiencing something similar keep in mind that correlation doesn't equal causation, just because two things happen in a short time frame doesn't mean one caused the other

  4. What you are referring to is known as Somaform disorder(Conversion Type)

  5. Though your question is not very clear, to my understanding, mind is element Ether and movement is element Air. They are the five basic Elements. The Panchbhootas.  Bhootam in fact has, more than an element, a meaning  closer in connotation with Spirit.  These elements, therefore,  have life forms, or life contained in them.  

             Though they are intrinsically interrelated, I cannot say with certainty that Ether has full control over Air.  Therefore, thoughts or the mind cannot stop the actions of Air i.e. movement of blood circulating in the veins.   Unless Ether is also present inside that.  In all probability it does prevail everywhere when we think in terms Ether itself is God, Ether itself is life giving force.  

               Therefore, the probability of mind controlling circulation of blood is a possible phenomena and if circulation can be controlled, its reversal also becomes a possibility, as in the case of acupuncture,  therefore its movement forward once again would be with tremendous force and could be responsible in getting rid of the snag and correcting the physical foot problem.   It is just a possibility.  

             The power behind focusing that kind of mental strength has to be conserved and evaluated.  I know not the method, but a method is always there.  It is only a matter of searching for it, and  we shall stumble over it.   Some say the Laws of Attraction can be applied in  the dissipation of a malady through visualisation.

               The same principles are advocated by Reikhi Masters, further so the same principles are at work when the Chakras are aligned and Kundalini is awakened.  Same principles are at work in Mantra Sidhis and same principles are at work in Pranik healing and in Magnified Healing, and Crystal Therapies.   The connectivity of microcosmic Ether with the macrocosmic Ether and its conduction through the mind to the body is the principles at work.   This is possible only when the Ether present in the human beings are purified.  All rituals, religious yamas and Niyamas and rules, sanctities are all working towards this end of purification of the Ether contained in the body so that they can join back to the cosmic, pure Ether(pure Soul) which is Intelligence, Consciousness and Bliss.  

                 That energy is healthy, disease free, abnormality free, and perfect in all respect, when that energy gets the conduit and flow through human body, it can be raised to the level of Devine dignity, stature, form and perfection.  No diseases are beyond its cure, nor abnormalities.

    I hope this helps.

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