
Does anyone here use the Nike+ ipod for running?

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if so, how is it doing for you?




  1. I like it-just because I can get involved in the challenges and stuff.  At this point anything to help keep me motivated is a plus.  And I got some praise from non other than Lance Armstrong after setting a new distance record for myself!!

  2. The only bad thing I see about it is that the sensor itself lasts only about 1,000 miles. The system is great, it records pretty much everything- your miles, calories burned, custom playlists, not to mention the oh so useful power song to get your adrenaline renewed.

    If you don't like voices to keep reminding you; you can choose a 'custom' workout, where you hear no voices, and you keep running as long as you want.

    That being said, thats just the half of it. The other half is the nike+ community. When you upload your data to the nike site, you're automatically connected to the nike+ community- so you get to compare your running stats to other runners, as well as partake in running challenges (i.e, run 300 miles in 3 months, etc).

    That is a huuuge boost in motivation, especially if you have the competitive bug to get you going!

  3. ive used it. its alright. i prefer a watch. I don't like when someones reminding me that I'm running if you know what I mean. I'd rather just listen to music and look at my watch every once in a while.

  4. I LOVE my Nike+ ipod! I just ran a half- marathon and used it the entire time I trained. It was great because on the long runs I could just run and it would tell me how far i was going. At the halfway point I would just turn around and run back. It was nice because I wouldn't have to use google ped to map out my run in advance and have to try and remember what streets I needed to turn on to make my mileage. I wore it during my race and it was correct within a few seconds of my race!

  5. its cool the internet part  is slow tho

  6. no

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