
Does anyone here work at burger king?

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I'm 16 years old turning 17 in two months. Im looking to get a job at first time job at Burger King. Do they have different positions you can work besides the cash register? I dont want to be the one taking orders!

Do they have job orientation? Do they train you? Do you get paid for it? What do you do at Burger King? Do they show you how to clock in and out? Do they show you where to clock in and out at? Also, after your shift is up, do you clock out and just leave? What is the procedure of coming to work? Do you just walk into work, clock in and start working? Or do you talk to the manager or boss first? After your shift is up, do you just clock out and leave? Also, how do you know what your work schedule is? Do they give it to you on a peice of paper? I want to work part time! Any more information you can tell me will help alot! thanks.




  1. Yes, they show you how to do everything. Manager isn't always going to be there. You usually have to clean up and lock up before you just clock out and leave. It's all fairly simple. Good luck.

  2. ok well i dont work at burger king but it is all the same thing yes they have job orientation yes they train u yes u get paid for it  well there is sandwiches frenchfries front cash drivethru cash grill  yes they do yes they do well most people do leave after their shift u have to be dressed in ur work shirt black pants slip proof shoes and ur hat  well u clock in when ur scheduled to clock in they should have it posted in the break room probably not

  3. Wow Tom!  You sure have lots of questions.

    I don't work at Burger King but I used to be a manager at Taco Bell right after high school.  So let me share with you what I know.

    The job orientation usually consist of a manager guiding you through work procedures and teaching you ingredients in items on the menu.  Some things they teach when they are training you is where to clock in and out, how to do it.  Yes after your shift is up just let the boss know in case they haven't noticed that your shift is up and that you're going home.  You usually want to let management know if you're going home only because it might be too busy and they may need someone to stay overtime.  You do just walk in and clock in.  Your work schedule is usually posted up on a board but if you need a copy of it you can ask a manager to make you a copy of the schedule.  You will be ok part time and you can always make the orders if you don't want to take the orders.

    I can tell you this much.  Working at the drive thru was a lot of fun for me, but everyone is different.  I loved the challenge of being somewhere in the back and getting an order and trying to remember it correctly by the time I got to the register.

    Good luck!

  4. Nope.


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