
Does anyone honestly believe that people will change?

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The world is f***ed up becuase people choose to be unloving and nasty towards one another. Or to be totally selfish and indifferent towards their neighbors.

Does anyone here really believe that people will ever choose to change and then start doing good instead of evil?




  1. i like to belive that everything in the world

    will be perfect and good ... but to tell you the truth  ... i don't think it will happen anytime soon.


  2. In my lifetime, situations, not people change.  

  3. Yes, actually I do believe they will change. Most of these nasty hateful people eventually get old, (some die young) and as we age, we start to figure out what really matters. For others, we do it earlier and enjoy life. After all, being angry and selfish benefits nobody, especially the person who is so hateful.

  4. I used to think I was a misanthrope and a cynic.

    Then I suffered horrendous tragedy and needed help and WAS helped in unconditional love by others who had also been helped, to survive and learn to live again.

    I have since passed on this gift to others and over and over again I have watched countless people transform from sleeze into benevolence.

    I have also watched people stubbornly cling to misery and hatefulness in their fear of letting go.  

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