
Does anyone in SA realize?

by Guest34386  |  earlier

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You put it more eloquently than I ever could Res, thankyou.




  1. This forum is going dumb. I wonder how could someone get here every day and throw out bile. This was suppose to be a chilling place, but now is just a boiling pot.

  2. My goodness! I had no idea so many people even read my points of view. Thank you all for the kind words!

    While hate rears it's ugly little head in some of the other forums, this one has to be quite high up on the list. And the shame of it is that it is mostly 4  or 5 people doing all the hating. And with precious little to back it up.

    Of them all Alf is perhaps the more honest - he does not remove posts just because he doesn't like them. Indeed, I think he leaves them because they fuel his fire in his convoluted way of thinking. And he has a email address - most of them are such cowards they have nothing on their profile. And I often wonder if that email address does not come out of some prison in England like  Full Sutton - a prison in Britain where they have had troubles with racism. Oh well, where ever he is,  'More honest' is a relative  term. lol

    If I could tell Alf and cronies one thing it would be:

    There is nothing wrong with disliking someone. But dislike them for a justifiable reason and do not judge all people with one similar characteristic like skin colour the same way. If you do, you will end up hating yourself. I dislike Charlie Manson a lot. But if I hated all white people because of what he, a white person did, I would hate people I do not even know and myself and that is not even a bit logical.

    I have hard copies of the most offensive posts and Alf is the least offensive of the lot - Slipper man (actually thought he might use his brain but apparently not!) and friends though - hmmm. Those 24 instances Alf mentioned must have been deleted by trolls because I have no copies, indeed no memory, of any 24 offers to respond from Alf. Anyway I was going to package them up and send them with a cover letter to Yahoo executives here in North America and see if they had any ideas regarding how we could have these hate filled folks deleted from YA altogether.

    Let me know what you think of this plan.

    Thanks again for the support. Maybe see you in one of the other forums sometime. :o)


    Karen C

    btw - coons in Canada is short for Raccoons. They are  a cute little animal and I am indeed a coon lover. :o)


    I must ask if I am the only one to notice that Alf alone has stayed back while the other racists, black and white, seem to have jumped ship?

  3. YAWN....

    Karen C - following on your very personal email you sent me  -I have to echo the guys above...

    Once somebody gives a retort to your obvious insults (h**l you insult people who insult - you are frikkin deluded)

    There is a great section for schizophrenics - please feel free to join....

  4. To put it bluntly Karen C is a piece of ****.

  5. I agree with Res!

    This forum has turned me racist and it's actually quite a bad influence to new comers. I am actually ashamed at myself for some things I have said, so I have decided to have a little break and just log in every so often until the storm calms! (If that's possible!)

    I won't be able to turn away from the SA section as it's become part of my life, but I think every once in a while a break will do me good, to take time to reflect on different things, instead of jumping into the fire without thinking clearly.

  6. What's it all about when you work it out Alfie.

  7. I really do not think that these people can think straight anymore. They have genuinely forgotten that this is a public forum.

    Check this question:

    *Edit*  Wrecked, I asked a question on Friday in similar vein, mentioning the rudeness, disrespect of fellow users etc, and my question was deleted very quickly.

    **Edit** Karen, good to see you  giving your opinion, and also in a civil way without trying to insult others or call them names.

    Bull, I had 2 violations on Friday, but I am not crying about it.  And I definitely do not think that I insulted anyone, called anyone names or was rude or being a racist.


  8. Res, it is exactly that: embarassing. This forum has become a playground for racist ranting. And if one tries to speak up he gets called a liberal and other really great names.

    I sometimes think someone should beg Yahoo to close this section down. I mean, there is this girl who asks what the weather is like and if she will get a tan - and all Alf has to contribute is that she will most probably get raped. Very informative, especially from someone -and I can't stop repeating myself- who has never been to this country!

    I really came to love Karen's contributions and will miss them. My talents in reacting intelligently to these idiots on here are rather minimal, so yes, I do believe as well that her leaving is imbalancing this whole forum.

    Anf if you really have been deleted this often from Y!A, Alf, maybe it's time to stay away next time it happens...

  9. Do not heed the blasphemer, poison comes from his mouth.

    "Oh how people savour more the sweet bread of lies than the bitter herbs of truth. "

    Jah Love and Peace of the Trinity be with You All.

  10. I have come back 24 times but Karen C runs at the first opposition to the liberal pish she posts. What a jellyfish. A typical PC Liberal like you who cannot face the truth and is in constant denial. Only the truth brings peace and if you dont like being confronted with the truth or prefer posting the unadulterated shite and ramblings of the misguided then you too can leave.

    Trent - I keep repeating myself - you know feck all about me and particularly whether I have been to South Africa. Go and visit a Proctologist and see if he can remove your cranium from your a**s.

    p.s A woman gets raped every 3 minutes in South Africa. You want to hide that and pretend it is safe? Fecking wanker.

    Wrecked - I havent insulted you - yet. Here is a piece of truth for you and Karen the C to chew over:

    According to the Human Rights Commission it is estimated that during the Apartheid period some 21,000 people were killed, however both the UN Crimes against Humanity commission and South Africa's own Truth and Reconciliation Commission are in agreement that in those 43 years the South African Security forces killed a total of 518 people. The rest, (some 92%) were accounted for by Africans killing Africans, many by means of the notorious and gruesome practice of necklacing  whereby a car tyre full of petrol is placed around a victim's neck and set alight. This particularly cruel form of execution was frequently carried out at the behest of the ANC  with the enthusiastic support of Mandela's demonic wife Winnie .

    Res - Returning 24 times is simply a way of saying you cannot gag me and hide the truth or pretend that South Africa is a normal Society.The ANC has turned it into a crime infested racist cesspit. Having my account deleted on 23 occasions is more a testament to the immaturity and unwillingness to counter debate of those on here who see fit to report every time they disagree with what is being posted. I dont subscribe to the PC Liberal policy of hiding the truth and telling lies. I call a spade a shovel and expose the Liberals wherever and whenever I can.

    Res - It may well suit your cause to view things through a tainted one eye and talk in generalities but you are far from the truth.However,since you have appointed yourself as the guardian of morality and language for the South African users I promise never to f**t again in Public.

    Res - Let me put it to you very simply. I RESPOND  to insults and derogatory remarks directed at me. I do not usually initiate them (unless there is a history) and a few of us decided long ago we would meet fire with fire. The difference is that I am better at it than those who initiate and that is what draws your attention. Karen C for instance directed vitriol at me because I picked her up on the immorality of promoting tourism to South Africa without warning people of your violent crime. She continued thereafter with other questions by bringing my answers into her answers and making pretty derogatory comments. Now that is an invite to me and when I respond in kind she takes to the hills like a wounded heroine failing to see that she initiated the whole issue. Dont believe me? Check me out in future.

  11. So what, what did she really have to offer?

    I would not usually participate in this crass, demonstration of your acute anal retentive qualities but I want the points.


    We thought that you had buggered off,?

    But how true to character you are, collecting little bits of evidence in order to get some one barred, pure liberal thought control and censorship, I think that during the 2nd world war the French called you ' Shave Tails.'

    Go find a knitting circle or a sewing club where your intellect will be less offended.

    I bet you were a horrible child.

  12. First and foremost, Karen C is an intellectually impaired non thinker, you have have obviously classified her incorrectly on the grounds of being a non thinker yourself as well as hopelessly deluded, have you ever asked yourself the relevat question as to why she chooses to perpetually reside in Canada if South Africa and South African life is indeed as wonderful as she would have others believe, are her hands and feet shackled preventing this ignorant 25 year old know it all from returning to her beloved homeland, which despite her deluded beliefs IS a cesspit under the corrupt and inept ANC and refusing to acknowledge tht no amount of liberal propaganda and bullying on your parts will ever convince the likes of Hennie, Alf and myself who are capable of reasoned thought that the obvious and only root cause of the disaster that is South Africa and Africa today is the inherent primitiveness of Africans as well as their natural and overwhelming instinct to behave primitively, this is easily validated by merely observing the outdated and violent behaviour of Africans on a daily basis in all African continents and by studying the disaster that is every African country that has been subjected to the unnatural concept of African majority rule.

    What facts do you ANC supporters and liberals ever bring to the table other than groundless denials when the facts are presented to you coherently or through your typical soviet inspired demands for proof and subsequent rejection of all referenced fact and quoted statistics or else emotional outbursts as you are all too accustomed to?

    Fact - South Africa IS the worlds crime capital and has the highest murder and rape rates in the world, it is not uncommon for infants and babies to be raped and crimes such as hijacking, housebreaking, aggravated assault and other acts of violence are so frequent and generally accepted by South Africans as normal that they no longer make the news in any shape or form, would you deny these facts and why is it so difficult for you and the others to link these atrocities to the nature of Africans when these acts are the norm across the uncivilised continent despite billions of dollars in aid and upliftment programmes, do Europeans and Asians decapitate and dismember their opposition on political grounds, no, this behaviour is reserved for Africans alone. Please do not play your ridiculous colonialism or racism cards, as let us recall that Australia, the U.S., New Zealand and India were all subjected to colonialism and let us all attempt to recall exactly what it was that Africans had accomplished at the time they were colonised?

    I also have yet to see you chastise Ayiza and KFC for their blatantly offensive behaviour and remarks which were a precursor to our response, do you conveniently select when to be morally indignant and offended?

    Now go ahead, you and the other hypocrites can feel free to report my post, with my written consent as you would have done anyway as is your norm when you have no valid or rational response to the obvious and reporting is your only backdoor escape, funny how I received 7 violations on Friday alone yet others now believe themselves to be the victims after one violation.


    Cakes - At least I can take comfort in noting that your "fence sitting" has finally come to an abrupt end, shameful how you have to resort to terms such as "racist" and thumb down from multiple avatars. Why not go post on the German section where there are many more like minded liberals who probably also force their husbands to urinate sitting down and where you will not find offensive material to whinge about, when last were you even in South Africa or affected in anyway by her politics by the way? You are hopelessly out of touch with reality.

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