
Does anyone in the Political section fear the wrath of God for what they say or type or use as avatars?

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Just curious since the USA is such a Christian nation.




  1. no, but we should fear the CIA and FBI as they are illegally monitoring all your chat

  2. Hey, my avatar isn't a floozy! lol. We speak what we know to be the truth, even while seeking to better understand what that is. If we mess up ... well, that is why Jesus sacrificed for us. Nobody is perfect, nor expected to be.

  3. You dare ask such a thing with your bare face hanging out?  Cover your hair and face, you hussy!  Shame!

  4. Lord, have MERCY!!!

  5. I doubt God stops by YA on his daily trip accross the universe.

  6. Mercy, you are a little grumpy tonight. Take the night off and spend some time with your partner, you are boring me

  7. God can see anything, everything, and at all times.

    The fear of the Lord is the beginning of knowledge.

  8. not me, The American paradigm of god is based on myth, god has no "wrath"  God is a collective consciousness of all energy.

  9. By the fear of the LORD men depart from evil" so maybe not much fear is displayed... thanks for an excellent question.....james

  10. This American, from the so called "Bible Belt" BTW, is an Atheist. So no fear.

  11. I always try to keep him in mind. If I offend him I offend myself.

  12. trust me, 300 million are not all anything.99% christian would still be a couple million ignoring god haters.

  13. Thank you for caring about my soul!  Seriously (I'm not being facetious) I am grateful.

    Would you mind answering the questions that I have (numbered for your convenience) so that I might gain some insight into your mindset?

    1. What have you read that is against Christian principles?

    2. Granted, some of what has been written is not very Christ-like, but  then, not one single human being is perfect (including you, precious).

    3.  I didn't know that being a Christian was a prerequisite to posting to this site. Do you presume that all who post on this site are? I didn't get that memo, would you please resend it?

    4. Are avatars worthy of the wrath of God? Are they evil? Really? -This makes no sense, do you know something that the res of us don't? would you please share it with us?

    5. Are you a Christian? If so, how is it that you feel justified in being so judgmental?

    6. Lastly, what's it like to be perfect?

  14. No matter what section, I don't fear the wrath of God.  My God is a kind and gentle beneficent God who has more important things to worry about than if my avatar is the symbol of anarchy.

  15. Nah.  If there is a god he must love me because I've never seen him do anything bad to me.

    I fear the Y!A member squad more.  They troll the site reporting anyone they disagree with.

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