
Does anyone in your home collect anything?

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Does anyone in your home collect anything?




  1. No

  2. "I have a sea shell collection. It can be found on beaches all over the world."

    "You can't have everything, where would you put it?"

    -- Steven Wright

  3. Sure.  My oldest (16) collects ex-girlfriends.  My toddler collects pacifiers - preferably directly from the mouths of babies.  My youngest collects socks, straight off her own feet, and then drops them where I can't ever find them again.

    My husband collects Frank Zappa stuff.  Who knows why.  And I collect dust.

  4. my husband collects coins

    my oldest daughter collects pins

    my youngest daughter collects cloth---so she can make clothes

    my son collects rocks

    I guess my biggest collection of things is yarn

  5. I collect tortoises!! and phone cards.

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