
Does anyone investigate uk ministers for fraud?

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Does anyone investigate uk ministers for fraud?




  1. I DO !

    I have a load of Freedom of Information requests in with various government departments.

    From what I have received so far I beleive there is a case to answer, but need to work out precsely who has not been doing their job - once they are identified the whole lot will get it in the neck.

    I will be starting a campain and soliciting donations to support legal action - after all this is not *my* case against the MP's for fraud, it is the peoples case - it will only happen if we want it to.

  2. No.

  3. I'm sure newspaperpeople are all about that sort of thing. People are always quietly looking for a story, and fraud is a great story.

  4. Well they are not above the law..although most people seem to think yes they can be investigated for serious fraud like everyone else...but usually there is a standards and Privileges committee which 'investigates' things such as expenses...and they seem to be the most toothless investigative authority known to man....

  5. yes!!! they investigate them selves. hence they are all found innocent

  6. No!They investigate themselves!That is why no one is ever prosecuted!!

  7. Thats the people of the state's job.

    The population can forward a 'Vote Of No Confidence' which then leads to the election of a new government.

  8. Yes the Parliamentary Ombudsman will invesitgate any allegations of fraud

  9. Hi Mary,

    only theoretically - there is a Commons committee responsible for this.

    Mostly, however, the "Old Boy Network" and "financial inducements" prevent anything coming of it.

    Were the system effective, Tony Blair would have been prosecuted for his role in suppressing the results of the independent studies on genetically modified foodstuffs which the government instigated and which declared them to be highly dangerous and injurious to both human and soil health. The author of the report, a university professor, was ignominiously sacked after a telephone call from Tony Blair's office demanding his removal and the suppression of the report.

    So, now you know.

    Blessed be.

    Karma Singh

  10. NZs political system is based on the UK's so you probably have an Auditor General - check it out.  Its his job to oversee financial probity.

  11. Never question the Queens thunder!

    It's like asking God if he wears boxers or shorts.

  12. If there was he or she would be busy untill the end of time

  13. i don't

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