
Does anyone just hate the SA Spurs?

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I dont know what it is. Maybe its the constant flopping or Tim Duncan crying about calls, but I just dont like the spurs at all. Dont get me started on Bruce Bowen, "best defender in the nba"

i dont think so





  2. i agree bowen is a dirty player and ginobli will probably be fined 1 mil next season for his flopping and duncan...

    im just waiting for him to retire

  3. nah, I don't hate them. But some of their "fans" are really annoying.

    I do think Bowen is a DIRTY player, and that playing dirty should not be regonized as being a "good" defender, and that Shane Battier deserves the All-Defensive team title more than Bowen ever does.

  4. Yes i hate them. They are the most annoying team in the nba. From their constant flopping to their complaining of calls i cant stand them. They are the dirtiest team in the nba.               I HATE THE SPURS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  5. Yes, I do hate them. Im agreeing with you, Bruce Bowen is a straight up dirty player and Tim Duncan always looks like he is going to throw a hissy fit after EVERY CALL. Plus, Greg Popovich is just weird looking.

  6. ehh i dont like em cuz I'm a Lakers fan. I like Tony parker though. I hate Duncan and Ginobli though, duncan i dunno why, but Ginobli always flops. And did you see bowen kick Chris Paul when CP3 was on the floor? One of the suspensions the NBA got right. Also Horry became dirty on the spurs, he closelines Steve Nash and injured David West even more.

  7. i wouldnt say i hate them but i dislike them strongly because they play so cheap throwing in the elbows on every rebound and they are always complaining about anything that doesnt go there way i also dont  like it how they never get called for fouls when they foul everytime there player turns there back to them!

    they are a pretty good team despite the whining and cheap playing!

  8. oh! yall did not just go there! the spurs are a dynasty and yall need to respect that. and what crying?! i never hear them cuss or slap down the ball like f***ing gorillas the way garnett does or other aggressive players! haters- just jealous!

  9. I don't hate them, but I don't love them. They are overrated, though.

  10. what up brien e

    I don't mean to be rude, but the way you're coming at the Spurs is just plain childish. First of all, its obvious you're a lakers fan by the way that you sound so delusional. Noone "flops" on the Spurs as much as other teams do it. And Tim Duncan a cry baby??? Are you f*ckin serious? Guys like Carmelo, Rasheed, and Kobe are the ones who cries about every d**n thing. You're just a d**n hater who's upset that the Spurs is a dynasty that isn't even over yet.

  11. maybe it's 'cause they beat your team in the playoffs in the past few years, go down the line, they've beatem all




    Portland[a loooong time ago]

    Seattle[a looooong time ago also]

    New Orleans




    Houston i really need to keep going?

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