
Does anyone kno of where i can get sponsored or want to sponsor me?

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i have been barely riding for a year now and im only 13 years old im 6ft. i ride a cr125 and my dads 450(havent races it cant til im 14).and i weigh starting training this next week i would start this week but i have exams.i havent done to well im my first couple races but i was also still fighting the learning curve in those races so i reli shouldnt have entered them truthfully...but i have been riding my bike all balls i will get a factory ride wen im older its what i want to do with my life its the only thing that brings me true happiness.i have some pictures on my myspace of me ramping a lil bit if you want to check those out if thats not right email me but thanks for looking




  1. Get in shape is your first step buddy. Spend all your time in the local shops/ or at the track and maybe in some years you can build relationships in the motorcross community that could result in a sponsorship. Good luck with your dream. Less yahoo answers more wrist cranking, good advice as well.

  2. Alright little bro! Your already "Paying your Dues"(concussion/bruises/etc.) That's part of racing, Practice, Practice, Practice.... keep your body in shape and keep your bike running excellent and keep your grades up in school as for sponsorship you can check out, Considering you under 18 years old and have graduated from high school they will require your parents to send them a copy of your school progress reports to make sure your doing good in school(depends on the sponsor). Your off to a good start little bro.

  3. check out  Its a little confusing at first but companies will actually sponsor you with significant discounts. They will send you swag and you will be expected to sign an agreement. You will submit all your results ect.

  4. race, race often, have a positive attitude, get good results, and always show interest in meeting new people. Make a name for yourself....

    but if you want some discounts from certain vendors, try applying for sponsorships through

  5. I don't want to appear negative towards your dream and do hope you get what you want, but being a mother of boys who have raced all their lives I know how hard it is to make it in the sport.  If you have only just started you have a long way to go before you can prove yourself and get sponsors.  Who knows you may find a local trader who is willing to help you and in return you can advertise their business on your trailer and if you have to make an acceptance speech.  You would need to put together your resume of what you have done and what you intend to do and then go around to businesses and ask.

    Don't be too disappointed as it is a lot harder than you think to get help when you have kids your age who have won state and national championships as they are the ones who will get the sponsors.

    I think the best thing you can do is wait till you are racing regularly as if you have only done a couple of races, believe me it's a lot different than just riding.  For starters you have to have the will to get back on when someone has just run over the top of you.  Or to want to get back on when you have broken both your arms or a leg or maybe all of those together as that is what most motocrossers and supercross riders face at a number of stages in their careers.

    There are many riders out there out can ride quite well but to have that extra bit that is needed is something that you will only know if you have after you have done  a lot of racing.

  6. You need to win races all the time in the top class and practice practice practice practice practice practice and more practice.Plus keep fit like riding push bikes swimming etc. The fitter you are the faster and harder you can ride for longer periods of time. The quicker you get hopfully people start to notice and offer you a factory ride

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