
Does anyone know 5-10 fact on chimpanzees that I wouldn't know???

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I know mostly the basics of chimpanzees

I need to know stuff like:

how they live

how they act

stuff like that!!!

Thanks for your help!!!




  1. - There are two living species of chimpanzees:

    Pan troglodytes - the plains or savanna chimp

    Pan paniscus - the bonobo, pygmy chimp or forest chimp

    - Both species of chimp live in small, extended family groups known as troops.

  2. Go to wikipedia and type chimpanzees and you will get more than you expected.

  3. they are mammals

    they eat bananas

    they act like toddlers

    they are awesome

    they look like you

  4. There are two species, but a previous answerer already covered that.

    A fully grown adult male chimpanzee can weigh from 35-70 kilograms and stand 0.9-1.2 metres tall, while females usually weigh 26-50 kg and stand 0.66-1 m tall.

    Chimpanzees make tools and use them to acquire foods and for social displays; they have sophisticated hunting strategies requiring cooperation, influence and rank; they are status conscious, manipulative and capable of deception; they can learn to use symbols and understand aspects of human language including some relational syntax, concepts of number and numerical sequence. Young chimpanzees have outperformed human college students in tasks requiring remembering numbers.

  5. They hunt in groups and solo

    They have self recognition

  6. They throw f***s like nobody's business.

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