
Does anyone know Andrew Scott??

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  1. No, who is he.

  2. The tall, red-headed one who was a 2nd Lt. with the 4th Gurkha Rifles when they were in Borneo, teaching the Indonesian Army a thing or two about jungle warfare in 1969?

    The natives though he was great. Sukarno's thugs would sneak across the border into Sarawak, the Gurkhas would hunt them down and kill them, with scant regard for lack of food, water or sleep; leeches, slick red clay, international borders or the fact Indonesia and Malaysia were not officially at war.

    Before his wound, he would come in 14th - 17th in the 10-mile cross country races "B" company held for fun. Until you've seen how fast wiry little men who were born in Nepal can cover rough ground, you might think that was slow. His men liked him and he liked them. A fine officer. I was happy to buy him a beer. A dozen, really. He drank like a fish when he was on leave.

  3. No let me look him up...then ill respond in 1 sec

    A musician? I looked up Andrew Scott and theres a band also a teacher and a criminal on trial for murder by that name. Please say its not him

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