
Does anyone know Annie Hackney? She is my birthmother and it is very important to me that I find her.?

by  |  earlier

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I've been searching online for a while, but haven't found her. I really want to, and I don't know why, it is just important to me. If anyone knows her please let me know because I really want to find her. I'm only 15 so it is very difficult for me, but i am serious about finding her. I know it could suck, but if I don't find her I'll never know, and I don't want to live that way. So please help. And if you don't know her, please give me advice on finding her. Or if anyone has membership on intellius or something like that please help me out and I will repay you somehow, lol.




  1. Have you checked out this website?  Be sure to register here:

    Also, read back over the resolved questions here in the adoption section- there is great advice to be found about searching.

    Good luck~

  2. All I can suggest to you is to ask for your non identifying info, that will give you a little of the background info surrounding your adoption. Also, Post & register everywhere you can ... theres a good chance that someone who knows her may see it.

    here's a few to get you started:

    and this one's more for support for you, it also has a special board for younger people such as yourself:

    And don't worry almost all adoptees have been in your boat, with the "need" to know. Best of luck to you !!

  3. how old is she?

  4. Hi

    Okay seriously its not a good idea to do this on a chat group forum like this. You need to go to a adoption search agency  or to Genes reunited or even what about speaking to your adoptive parents what is your relationship like with them ?

    I hope you have some success some how I know how important it is to search..Good luck x

    ETA Thumbs down ??? oh how immature some people are on here !

  5. WHOA - Have you seen this!!! I found a church bulletin that says Annie Hackney and Bill Hobbs were getting married on Feb. 4th, at 6pm. Well, that bulletin has now been replaced with this week's bulletin, but the names are in the google search summary.

    There's the link to the church's website. Contact them and ask them if they can help you.

    If this lead proves to be correct, please let me know!

    If it doesn't, I would encourage you to continue making postings in search of her. Eventually, either she is going to see them or someone she knows will see them. Remember, she might be married now, which would give her a new last name more than likely. But, more and more, people do Google searches for their names. Pray that she will search for hers. Your posts all show up on Google in the first page of results when you search for her name, so that is great. Keep it up. You will find her.

  6. Hi definately look into the lead the other poster here suggested. Otherwise yes got to ISRR (The International Soundex Reunion Registry) it's free. Also there are many online registries ( has one, and it is how my daughter found me, but keep in mind only about 1% of people searching find this way, and is a bad website) Also you may want to find out if the state you live has a Registry, Illinois has one as do many other states. You can look for this information by Googling adoption laws, they come up and you can search by state. I wish you much luck in your search, and please do alot of reading and learning and prepare for reunion the best that you can. Reunion is like a roller coaster with no safety bar! I would suggest going to adoptioncrossroads (google that too, the url slips my mind) and there you will find a link to a nightly chat, the gentleman who facilitates the chat is well versed in reunion issues for both adoptees and mothers. There are many of us there and you will find real support and understanding there. Please come join us!

    ETA: Adoptese is a safe place for mothers and adoptees, it is a wonderful place to learn and find others who will understand you and what you are going through. I sincerely hope you check the group out.

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