
Does anyone know WHY that elephants are not allowed in Canada???

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I was at a circus today with my children, and the announcer made the disappointing announcement that they were not allowed to bring their elephants passed the border.

He just said something about the USDA and Fish and Wildlife having something to do with it, and that other circuses performing around Canada are not allowed to bring elephants either.





  1. There is no prohibition on elephants.

    The prohibition is on most of the circuses for failing to provide shelter from the elements, for inadequate and unsafe enclosures, for failing to provide proper veterinary care, and for failure to properly handle animals.

    Every Province has laws designed to protect animals from cruelty. The circuses can't live by them.

  2. elephants don't do well in cold climates, they get pneumonia

    all the hairy elephants (mammoth's)that used to live in Canada died out about 8000 to10,000 years ago.

    all modern elephants are from tropical country's.

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