
Does anyone know a Major news headline this week?

by Guest45200  |  earlier

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I have to do a project. Last week I did the flooding in Iowa. Do you know of any major headlines for this week? It has to be decently long because I have to write all this stuff about it (like who what where when why) Seriously desperate!!!!!




  1. 400 + Taliban militants are free after a prison break in Afghanistan.

  2. France is inviting the syrian dictator to attend french independence day parade or so.   you can talk about differences in views since it is a global issue.

  3. check yahoo news it will help loads Cheers

  4. Elian Gonzales joins communist party.

    Doesn't sound that big, but you might not be old enough to remember this new story. It was huge in America because his relatives were trying to keep him in America because if he was sent back to Cuba he was going to be used as communist propaganda.. hmm what do you know.. it happened...

  5. Tim Russert, host of the popular "Meet the Press" collapses on the set last Friday during taping and dies at 58.

  6. Obama was endorsed by Gore.

    McCain cancilled a meeting with Clayton Williams because of bad comments this man has made about people many times. McCain is rescheduling meeting in August. Williams raised $300,000 for McCain & McCain will not give money back.

  7. Tim Russert died.

  8. 2 girls the ages of 12 were killed in Oklahoma on a counrty road the other day and the whole state is looking for the killer.  The girls were shoot like 7 times each and were only a few blocks from their home.

  9. Bush's former Press Sec. is going to testify to congress about the outing of  CIA agent Plame by the administration.  There are two great news sources below

  10. I can't think of any off the top of my head but if you go to MSNBC.COM they usually have all the top stories of everything going on in the world on their site.

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