
Does anyone know a cheap way to volunteer or work in Spain legally?

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I would like to get a job or volunteer in Spain to improve my Spanish (I previously went to Spain for 3 months) but everything I have found is so expensive or you have to be totally fluent in Spanish. Any ideas?




  1. First, it depends where you are from, what passport you hold.

    That makes it easier to answer your question. Try the or

    some sort of organic farm, they do offer jobs, set you up with food and bed and you work for it  while learning spanish.

    Try aswell some sort of hostels to work in. Reception work can do great for your Spanish.

  2. Teach english. You don't need to be fluent in Spain. Here, it is not difficult to work legally. There are no "barriers" like in the US for foreign people. Try contacting English schools in Madrid to ask for a job.. I don't think you'll have problems.

    I don't know if there is any cheap option because living in Madrid is very expensive (in relation to average salaries). I would suggest you to look for a room mate or a shared apartment..


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