
Does anyone know a child who has had febrile seizures?

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my son is 3 now but the day before his 1st birthday he had his first febrile seizure. febrile seizures are caused by a spiked fever. the doctors say that they grow out of them by 6 or so and that they are genetic . so can anyone confirm if they are passed from parent to child and if they grow out of them




  1. My oldest son had them from 18 months to 2 years. Maybe 3 or 4 times. They were horrible and scary. He took phenobarb with a fever over 100 degrees for a year.

    He never had them again, none of my other kids had them.

    I don't think they are genetic and they seem to out grow them.

  2. my son had one of them when he was about your sons age and im pretty sure its not genetic as my daughter has never had one nor have i i just think its something that happens when the body get to hot

  3. Yes

    I had one when I was a baby

    My son had one when he was 1 and a half year old

    It can be scary, but absolutely nomal an it will not go on

    Expect your son NOT to have any more febrile seizures, he pobably will NOT have any more

  4. My nephew had them until he was 3, but I am not aware of anyone else in the family having had them. But he has grown out of them. He's 15 now and mowing my yard!! LOL

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