
Does anyone know a free online party planner for my sweet 16?

by  |  earlier

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Im only 14 but want to have something lavish and have to startn planning now

ohh and please no replys like stop being soo stuck up or other comments like that i would realllly appreciate it i will report you if thats the case





  1. You are starting in the right place. Use the search function here to look for other questions like yours and you'll get tons of useful ideas. Focus your budget on  the main elements of having a really good party. Decorations, food, music and above all guests. Lounge areas are hoy . Use can use fabric and props along with furniture to create rooms within a room or outdoor rooms depending on the season. Themes are always fun to dress up or down to. Like 60's or a luau.

  2. that will you will start for all your party planning and needs.

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