
Does anyone know a good place to buy a surf board really cheap.?

by  |  earlier

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Im looking for a surfboard. so if you know a good website or a store please tell. thanx




  1. 1. Check out yard sales, you never know what you'll find!

    2. end-of-the-season at any surf shop

    3. but make SURE you know what you are getting! Best bet is if you can go get it so you can SEE it before you purchase it (chekc for dings, etc).

    4. Bic surfboards makes a cheap funboard for a beginner that runs about $200-$300, depends on what you're looking for.

    5. Ask people at the local break, a lot of times they are selling or looking to get rid of some overflow in their quiver, especially if they've "outgrown" a certain board.

    Good luck!!!

  2. I'd say try looking at and put in surf board on search. ^^  You can get it cheaper than buying it in stores. ^^ And also, try yahoo search under shopping. ^^ It'll give you price comparisons too. ^^

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