
Does anyone know a good place to donate?

by  |  earlier

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Does anyone know of any places that really need clothes or food donations in Stark County in Ohio? I heard of an Indian Reservation that needed alot of help but I can't remember the name. It can be Stark county or surrounding counties. Thanks.




  1. Why don't you give your local YMCA a call?  Here is a website with phone numbers:

    At least it is someone to call.  Good luck.

  2. Check the IRS site or We all have problems with volunteering. I have a tax deductible charitable organization and I have to go out and find people in need of help to get other people to donate to us to help these people.

    Seeing that you are in a chance to volunteer and there has been many problems there, in the country you want to help, it would be easy for you to get donations from people here in America, by channeling it through an organization that is tax deductible. This way people wont feel they are giving and not getting a benefit for giving.

    I know this to be true because people will only give to my organization to help other people in other countries, most of the time, when they are sure the organization is legit.

    If you want to get funds then you will have to get with a tax deductible organization like mines so that the communities here will be able to check the organization with the government and get a tax break on their donations. Then you will have to help that organization get the word out to the people so that the people will know they can give to your organization or cause through that organization, and the funds will come in. I know that the people here would pour money to you because they are always looking for ways to send money back to poor countries.

    This is our website, (it is still being fixed);

    And this is the government website where you can check that my organization and any other organization is real.

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