
Does anyone know a good (short) dinner grace - possibly a farming community one?

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Does anyone know a good (short) dinner grace - possibly a farming community one?




  1. God is great

    God is good

    Let us thank him for this food

    By his Hands, we are fed

    Give us,Lord, our daily bread

  2. dear lord we thank you for your food, this day, and all you bless us with....amen

  3. In the name of the father, the son and the holy spirit

                            bless this food that we are about to recieve through thy bounty

                            thru Christ our Lord-AMEN

  4. rub a dub dub thanks 4 the grub?

  5. heads bowed.

    "much obliged,


    *ma and pa kettle movies*

  6. Bless us o lord and these thy gifts which we are about to recieve from thy bounty through christ our lord AMEN

  7. this was our prayer before every meal, one made easy for children: father, we thank you for our food, and for our home, amen.

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