
Does anyone know a good store in Toronto to buy St.Patrick's Day shirts?

by Guest58795  |  earlier

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In the downtown area, preferably south of bloor... but any suggestions are appreciated.




  1. Here, take your pic:

  2. Go into any Irish pub and tell some drunk Irishman that you will give him $1 and a shot of Irish whiskey for his shirt and he'll take it off and give it to you.

  3. Hey , i am from China .

    I suggestion you can also order from online .

    Our company also have many style of this shirts , you can have a look at our website: . If you are interest in,we can give you best price and highest quality .

    You can contact us via mail or msn .

    My Mail :

    My MSN:

  4. I'm not sure about Toronto but the store Vanity had some cute shirts(if your a girl) and they have stores all over the place

  5. Aren't there still plenty of t-shirt shops on Yonge Street, plus trolley stops the whole way along?   Admittedly, I haven't been there in a while...

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