
Does anyone know a guaranteed way to get rid of...?

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Does anyone know a <b>gguarnteeeeeeed</b> way to get rid of bad breath.halitosis? can anyone answer these questions for me?How do i prevent bad breath?How do i stop it?forever?




  1. Google &quot;Candida&quot;. Bad Breath is one of its symptoms. Eat more regulary, brush your teeth twice a day and drink plenty of water.

    Good Luck =D

  2. definitely, it&#039;s not too late to start off with a good program of daily oral hygiene.

    - brush your teeth properly at least twice a day or every after a main meal in a circular motion for at least 1 duration of a song

    - floss your teeth carefully

    - use a soft-bristled toothbrush to avoid receding gums

    - use an all natural oral rinse to keep breath fresher and wash away food debris in the oral cavity

    - never use gum or mints to mask bad breath because it will only make things worse, they contain sugar that invites bacteria to speed up producttion

    - keep the mouth hydrated and salivated by taking adequate amount of water. dry mouth can cause bad breath and make you susceptible to dental problems

    - have a healthy diet to boost immune system in fighting diseases

    - avoid unhealthy habits such as smoking and alcohol drinking

    - have regular dental cleanings and check ups

    visit for more tips about good gum and bad breath cure.  

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