
Does anyone know a legitimate way or company to make money online?

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My husband works late a lot of nights and I'm home alone and we could use the extra cash. With gas so high, a second job outside the home isn't that feasible. Would love to be able to earn extra income but it seems like all of the so called "offers" to make money online aren't what that appear. Any ideas? Anyone?




  1. there is this fun site ..

    you play games to make some extra bucks.. i mean i only have 10.00 in my account .. hehe but its legit, and its fun.. you dont make much .. but its fun and it dont cosh anything.. its worth a shot... im addictied to it :)

    here is an invite!

    good luck

  2. Unfortunately most of the opportunities you will find from some people, does only good to those people and nothing to you, maybe does bad to you if you paid something, which i do recommend not to do if you are not sure !

    I am Kevin an 8 years experienced in home based business; Here is my e-mail where you can reach me to make sure a business is true or SCAM!!, or simply if you need me to suggest you some true business to start getting a salary with.


  3. I don't want to spam or anything, But this is a working way to make money, I'm making for month about 40$-600$ My highest check was 764$. It's really easy, And paypal sponsored, Enjoy =]

    Payment proof: (That's my check)

    Once Again, Don't want to spam, Just trying to help =]

  4. I saw your "crock" comment, but don't despair.  There are many ways to make money online.  The real trick is sorting out the legitimate money-makers from all the scams that are out there.

    There's a terrific list at eHow that gives more than 20 ways to make money online, everything from writing (articles, blogs), to photography, to (believe it or not) online jury duty and focus groups.  

    There's even a site for making money listening to music and rating it, and another for playing online games.

    The list is updated regularly.  Check it out at:

    How to make money on the internet, scam-free

    Good luck!

  5. try this one

  6. The best program is through friendfinder, there is no fees or up front investments, its free to become an affiliate. you can track your stats in real time and they pay you $1.00 for everybody who signs up for a FREE account and even more for each person that pays for an account. You cant beat that. The link to sign up is

    I make over $1000 a month and not that I'm all set up, I only put a few hours a month into it, you can make allot more if you put more time into it. And, they dont make you pay anything up front.

  7. This website is the best website to help you start working from home. It has the Top Work at Home Opportunities. Alot of research was put into these companies, and they are true legit companies. I personally have used Six Figure Yearly, and I have made very good money off it. This site is worth the investment. I am a single mother, so I invest my money wisely. I trust in this website completly.

  8. There are plenty of ways to make money online.  What is more important however is how much time you have or what interests you and what you are willing to pursue.  Each way of making money requires a different amount of commitment and in turn offers a different kind of financial reward.  Generally speaking, if it is very easy to start doing and making money from then usually the amount of money you can make from it is very little.  This may not be true for everything, but I am just offering a generalisation.  A few ways to get started making money online are as follows

    Paid To:  Such things as surveys and the like.  You will be paid to fill something out or make a post to a forum.  Very easy to do and the payouts reflect this by being very low.  This may be a good area for a beginner to making money online to get started in.  You can meet other people and expose yourself to new ideas and ways of thinking that you previously were not aware of.

    Freelancing:  This includes pretty much anything where you offer a skill you have as a service to someone else.  Posting to a forum isn't a skill but being able to write good articles or code in a programming language is.  There are many freelancing sites and plenty of work to be found.  Depending on what skill you posses, you may be able to make good money from this.  This may be another area to start in especially if you are good at something such as writing articles (huge demand, pay isn't that great but much better than get paid to sites) or you can setup servers/linux etc.

    Google Adsense:  Includes any other kind of ad service where you get paid for placing an advertisement on your website.  This is usually only good if you already have a website up and running and have plenty of traffic.  You need traffic here to be able to make any amount of considerable money.  While you can start a website from scratch and maybe target high paying keywords, there is a lot of work involved.  If you already have a website this is a good way to make money while you sleep as placing ads on your sites requires you to do nothing other than just maintain and promote your site as you typically do.  Maybe not a good idea for beginners.

    Affiliate Products:  Promote other people's products.  Will involve a little work but you can promote and advertise via many free methods (online classified sites, social networking sites such as myspace) and the money to be made can be good (depending on the payout offered by the affiliate). Promoting affiliate products is very popular as you can make good money if you know what you are doing.  Anyone can get started in this and start promoting today without spending a dime.  I personally would recommend this for beginners as you pay nothing and it can lead onto bigger and better things such as promoting your own products.

    Promote Your Own Product:  This is where the money is, the real money.  You will need your own product, it could be anything, and you will need a list of people to promote it to or have affiliates who will promote your product for you.  There are many ways to promote your own product, by yourself or through affiliates.  By promoting your own product online you stand the best chance of making what I would call REAL money.  It isn't easy to do when compared to other ways of making money online and it can take considerable time before you start seeing any real return.

    These are just a few ideas of how to make money online and there are many many more.  Each one can be twisted and molded to suit your own personality or way of thinking.  My advice for anyone serious about making money online would be to find a forum with like minded people and go one step at a time.  Once you start talking with these people you will learn new things and ways of how to make money.  Start off small and work your way big.  Don't expect to get rich over night.  If you approach making money online like a real business and keep at it, you really can make good money.  Like anything in this world, if you stick at it and are dedicated, it will pay off.  I wish you all the best.

  9. You can make money in so many ways. And I know a blog which reveals all secrets of free making money online. This website shows you how to start in no time with no investment from any country in the world. Ready?


  10. You actually have a few different options.  There are a couple different home jobs you can do.  Understand that they are minimum wage earnings, so you won't make a sufficient amount of money.  After taxes, you will end up making below minimum wage.  I'm not sure if you "need" the income, or if your just doing this to passify time when your husband is at work.  Here's a couple URL's you can take a look at and apply.  They're not online jobs.  I don't know any of them that are not scams other then selling things on Ebay.  These are call center types of jobs.  Like I said, I can't guarnatee that you'll get the job, home jobs are high in demand because of the gas prices which causes food and everything else to go up, but you can apply.

    If you need more then a minimum wage job, then I suggest you take a look at a home based business opportunity.  There are plenty of options out there through many different industries.  My husband and I have had our home based business for over six years now.  It's an incredible adventure!

    If you'd like some ideas on home based businesses, I've created a blog on my yahoo 360 page on this topic.  Over half a dozen different industries to take a look at.  I've had friends of mine who are in different industries and have their own business inside a business and do very well.  A lot of information on my blog on scams, reports, bbb and a lot of other things you should read on. The URL to that is:

    If you have any questions, your more then welcome to email me at

    Good Luck!

  11. Yes there is finally the site your looking for!!!


    Go to link and make free account. Start surveys and make quick money. I needed fast money too so I know how it feels. I made 75$ in 2 days!!

  12. I faced the same problems and you're right about gas prices, it's gone stupid!  Anyway, in my profile is an option that might appeal to you so feel free to check it out.

  13. Sell products via free affiliate programs through free web hosting sites like and I also would recomend as well.

  14. people here said a bunch of ways to make money but wheres the proof they got paid.. see people make money when you make money.. everyone will end up being someones referral! You may not understand that just yet but I will explain later if you want to email me. I will show you a picture I took this morning of my check that came Saturday. It didnt cost anything to start either. Its not alot for me right now but I have done it a couple months and made $130+ dollars so far.. Its completely free to get started and you only nneed to give them a name and address so they can mail your check. check out my blog about it

  15. You can start earning by creating a blog !.

    Join payperpost and earn by writing.

    you can join directly from here :


    go to my blog and click on review my post below any post and get sure shot $7.5 to write a review about my blog !

    You can review other products too and minimum per review is $5

    payments via paypal

  16. If people are really making money from surveys, my hat is off to them.  I tried a couple times, but I just had to cancel email accounts due to excessive junk mail.   I never made a dime.

    There are a few really good ways to make money online, without investment, scam-free, but they won't make you thousands a month (at least not immediately).

    I am constantly on eHow, learning different legit methods of income.  Here are a few excellent tutorial links for you.

    1.  Publishing original writing.  If you can write ANYTHING, you can start earning money.  Sites like Triond will publish a wide variety of writing.  They pay you by traffic and ad clicks on your writings.  The more people look at your work, the more money you make.  You can write non-fiction articles, religious inspiration, poetry, humor... just about anything.  Then you just do bookmarkings and social marketing to drive up traffic.

    This tutorial specifically relates to poetry, but the information applies to any writing for triond:

    Also, writing for eHow has been my biggest source of online income.  I followed instructions written by other eHow writers and, as they promised, my earnings have gone up every day.  Check out eHow.  ***Just want to add that within one week of writing for eHow I was contacted by a company to write content for their website, so that's extra money***

    2.  Another way to earn money online is to sell original photography.  Even family photos can sell well.  Here's a tutorial for that:


    I would seriously avoid surveys.  Maybe some people have luck with them, but most of us just waste time and litter our email.



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