
Does anyone know a lot about home theatre systems?

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Is the Genesis G-508 a good system? Is it wireless? How hard is the installation?

Here is a link to their website...

How much is a system like this really worth? MSRP is $4200





  1. In the spirit of full disclosure, I do not have, nor have I ever heard, this particular system.  However, home theater has been a passion of mine for a while now so here is what I can tell you.

    This system is probably worth between 300 and 500. I have read several reviews (only a few favorable) and have found several Craig's list posting selling this same system within that range. And no, it does not seem to be wireless.

    As far as if it is a "good system" that all depends on a few things. First, how much do you want to spend? Second, what are you trying to achieve? If you are looking for something better than TV speakers and want to spend under 500, then this is probably fine.

    If you are after theater quality sound, this system will not make you happy. Instead, start looking to build a good quality system one component at a time. Start with some cheap speakers (garage sale, whatever) but sink good money into a quality receiver. Personally, I recommend Yamaha for that component as I feel you get excellent sound quality for the money.

    Next, after you recover your bank account, sink some dough into a good set of quality main speakers. I prefer Klipsch but this is highly subjective. Spend some time on a few hi-fi forums and you will get more than enough opinions on top quality speakers. After the mains, get a sub and center channel. Leave the surrounds for last.

    Anyway, I'm sure you will get plenty of advice on purchasing home theater equipment. The most important thing I can recommend is to take your time and never make impulse purchases. Those typically only lead to buyers remorse.

    -- EDIT  UPDATE --

    Thanks lordxale... I wasn't aware of the white van scheme!

    So, this changes my answer inasmuch as... if you are looking for a cheap system under 500, go for a reputable "theater in a box" solution from a reputable company.

    Man... gonna have to go research hi-fi audo scams now!

  2. I would see if they have a local distributor of their speaker, and go there and audition the speakers and listen ti them, that is the only way to see if they are worth the money or not.

    Another alternative if there is no local dealer, see if have a liberal exchange policy where if  you purchase the speakers, that you can either exchange them or get your money back within 30 days of purchase.

  3. It's a white-van scheme.

    The whole system probably cost <$50 (and that's optimistic) to produce, and probably sounds abysmal.

    If you're curious, and are approached in a parking lot by these scammers, offer them the real value and see if they'll let you have one just to play with it.

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