
Does anyone know a ping pong game for five players at the same time?

by  |  earlier

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i played a game like that once in college, but can't remember how we did it




  1. There's a game that I love to play ! It's called round-robin.You can have pretty much as many players as you want as long as they can all fit around the table.Just like in regular ping-pong,you use 2 paddles and one ball.There is one person at each end of the table and the rest are divided equally on both sides of the table.The person at one end of the table serves the ball and then puts the paddle down quickly as the person to the left of him picks the paddle up and tries to hit it back over the net to the other person.You just keep moving in a counter-clockwise motion ,until someone misses ,Then that person is eliminated from that game.When it finally gets down to just one person on each end,then as soon as the first person serves it he has to put the paddle on the table and spin around and than pick the paddle back up to hit the ball back over again .Both people at each end have to do this until one of them misses the ball .

    Try this game, it is so fun and crazy you'll die laughing .

  2. about 10 of us wanted to play ping pong at the same time.

    We just played the one serve, looser gets replaced by the next in the line. If you were good, you played 5 straight points

  3. Beiruit as we call it - fill the table with cups 1/2 full of beer and log the ball into - the other team drinks.

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