
Does anyone know a place where i can get an underage tattoo in london?

by  |  earlier

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I really want a tattoo but i don't know where..

does anyone know where i can? I'm 15..




  1. You cannot be tattooed under the age of 18.  It is against the law - "tattooing of minors act 1969"

    Not only can the tattooist get into trouble, so can the studio and in some cases your parents can be prosecuted for allowing you to be tattooed.

    Wait until you are 18.  Your ideas, views, likes and dislike will change dramatically in 3 years. Trust me.  Wait.

  2. Buy some stick on ones or transfers at Toys r us.

  3. NJot unless you know someone that does them personally, my hubby taught himself, btw

  4. There is a place in LEwisham that does them with parental consent.

  5. If you find anywhere that will do them underage then you should not get a tattoo there.  

    If they are dodgy enough to do underage tattoos then they are gonna be dodgy in general so not use clean needles etc.

  6. probably some back street ally with illegal immigrants and ex convicts employed

  7. If You Look Old Enough You Could Just Pretend Your 18..Otherwise You'll Probably Have To Wait Til Your Old Enough..Hope This Helps ♥

  8. Agreed with Rosie, here in London that is illegal, just wait til you are old enough.  Anyone that tattoos a minor is breaking the law and could end up in prison (it's counted as grievous bodily harm) and would lose their job.  Also, if they are willing to break such an important law then their hygiene standards are likely not that great either, so you could end up with something nasty.

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