
Does anyone know a poem about domestic violence that is written by a famous poet?

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or it could be a short story about domestic violence




  1. Second Edit:


    You added short stories about domestic violence, and these came to mind (the first had an Alfred Hitchcock show based on it), and it's chilling; the second is a super-classic:

    "Lamb to Slaughter"  by Roald Dahl

    The wife kills her husband with a frozen leg of lamb....

    "Useless Beauty" by Guy De Maupassant

    an absolutely beautiful and grotesque example of a classic short story of violence between husband and wife.


    "Daddy" by Sylvia Plath

    "Men" by Maya Angelou

    "Shattered Head" Adrienne Rich

    First Edit:

    (response to anyone thinking "Daddy" is not about domestic violence):  

    Read the poem "Daddy," and also know that the writer, Sylvia Plath, KILLED herself, BECAUSE OF Ted's (her husband's) emotional violence toward her.  It's a well-known fact that his emotional abuse/violence was the cause of her death, and it's very clear that that is what this poem is about.

    Furthermore, they were husband and wife, and that makes it domestic violence, physical or emotional!  I'd say that the abuse and neglect that led to a person's suicide is pretty violent!  One needs to read all her poetry with metaphor in mind.  "Things are not as they seem"; they are often levels removed from what they appear to be about; that is a great part of a poet's genius.

    She speaks of her father, but she is highly metaphoric, and she may just as well have been speaking of her husband.


    "The poem 'Daddy' can be interpreted along with other poems by Plath as semi-autobiographical regarding her own relationship with her father, Otto Plath, or her husband, Ted Hughes. Full Fathom Five and  'The Colossus' also explore the relationship between a girl and a dominating father figure.

    'Marble-heavy, a bag full of God,

    Ghastly statue with one grey toe


    And a head in the freakish Atlantic'"

    Also, even were it not about Ted Hughes, her husband, it is violent toward her father--also domestic!+

    The poem, itself, IS domestically violent!!!!

    “Daddy, I have had to kill you”


  2. there are lots of poem about domestic violence but not by famous poet.

  3. :h**l is for Children" by Pat Benitar is is the only one I can think of but that's a song.  Oh Yes, there was another song call, "My name is Luka"  I forget who sang it.

  4. Daddy by Sylvia Plath is NOT about domestic violence.  It's about her marriage to Ted Hughes and the relationship with her dead father.  Neither of these relationships involved abuse.

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