
Does anyone know a protection chant against a demon?

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Does anyone know a protection chant against a demon?

ive been getting attacked a lot lately and i need a way to chant something and stop it from coming at me. my fiance has been protecting me and saying chants but they are in german or latin or something and i cant say them quick enough. please help.




  1. By the dragons light

    On this (month) night

    I call to thee

    To give me your might

    By the power of three

    I conjure thee

    To protect all

    That surrounds me

    So mote it be

    So mote it be!!

  2. Go go go, go go away.  

  3. Demon, demon go away,

    I don't fear you, I won't play,

    Get thee gone, don't waste my time,

    (Why am I sayin' this stupid rhyme?)

    Your "demon" is a product of your own fears and is as strong as YOU allow it to be. Just quit. No one needs to "protect" you. Only YOU can conquer your own fear.

  4. LBRP.

  5. beg god 2 make them go away and if your joking then u can trip and break your nose

  6. say go away in the name of my lord god most high then  if they dont leave call archangels

  7. Call in archangel Micha el and put it/he/she at your Right side, call in archangel Gabri el and put it/she/he at your Left side, call in Rafa el and put she/he/it behind you and call in Uri el and put it/he/she in front of you

    OK. now bring in through the top of your head a stream of light and pass it down through the center of the earth so you are grounded.  This takes

    me at most 3 seconds.  

    Now what you do  if you feel relaxed enough ," May all the energies cast against me be returned to source a thousand fold to be encapsuled harmlessly in a triple layer of white light.

    Did that with my evil neighbor and he never changed his ways so

    he has had a car accident, then when he went on top of his roof to

    fix his swamp cooler a hive of wasps attacked him and he ran off

    his roof ( broke some ribs and the manager took him to the hospital).

    And next some missionaries ( Mormons I do believe) keep showing up at his door.  Boy, is he being tormented by his own thought forms.

    The thing to do is to stay very neutral.  Demons lie. Then they feed off

    fear and anger and all of the other 7 deadly sins.  Stay centered, grounded and out of your imagination.

  8. No amount of chanting is going to send those demons away permanently. All you need to do is to pray asking Jesus Christ to protect you and your family. By praying I mean simply going somewhere privately and just talk to God like you would a normal person asking him for his protection. God will protect you. Then you need to command those spirits to leave your home in the name of Jesus Christ.By commanding them I mean telling them forcefully as if you could see them (like you would a human being) to leave you and your house alone, using the name of Jesus Christ. If you are still having a problem ask a pastor to bless your home, to pray for the safety of you and your family and for his advice on the situation. If you need any more help feel free to send a message.

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