
Does anyone know a quote from Antony and Ceopatra, that highlights the power cleopatra holds over Antony?

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Does anyone know a quote from Antony and Ceopatra, that highlights the power cleopatra holds over Antony?




  1. Well, after Antony loses the naval Battle of Actium, her servants inform him Cleopatra is dead and locked up in her citadel. Antony stabs himself in the stomach with his sword. Another servant informs him that she is still alive, to come. When he arrives and calls her name, only a rope is thrown out the window and he is hauled up.

    "This nearly finishes him off. After dragging him in through the window, they lay him on a couch. Cleopatra tears off her clothes and covers him with them. She raves and cries, beats her b*****s and engages in self-mutilation. Antony tells her to calm down, asks for a glass of wine, and dies upon finishing it."

    It was Augustus that said it with actions. He allowed Antony and Cleopatra to be buried side by side.

  2. Cleopatra: You come before me as a suppliant.

    Antony: If you choose to regard me as such.

    Cleopatra: You will therefore assume the position of a suppliant before this throne. You will kneel.

    Antony: I will *what*?

    Cleopatra: On-your-knees!

    Antony: You dare ask the Proconsul of the Roman Empire?

    Cleopatra: I *asked* it of Julius Caesar. I *demand* it of you!

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