
Does anyone know a real way 2 become a

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Please if you dont have a real answer 4 me please dont tell me they dont excist...cuz we all have different oppinions




  1. that pretty hard to do becoming something else unless you already are that but in human form well you have to be in water and consentrate alot and hard and i don know this is prett har to answer.

  2. no

  3. i'll make a mermaid out of you.


  4. I'm sorry, but you can't become a mermaid. It's like saying "i want to be a dog when i grow up" it just won't happen. but maybe the plastic surgeon off south park can fix you up to be a dolphin, lol

  5. Become able to extract oxygen from water, and become a good swimmer. Also, get your legs sewn together for that true mermaid look.

  6. There is actually literature out there regarding "shapeshifting"and I know it tellspeoplehow to "shape shift" into wolves and other animalssomaybe there will be something there about mermaids.  Try and google "shape shifting". I am serious unlike other answerers here.  Hope this helps!

  7. Here's the thing about the mermaids, we do have some evidence that says it could very well be true.  However a human such as yourself cannot become one, if anything they are an entirely different species.  I'm sorry.

  8. First you must go out to the ocean. Wait until a full moon and go out in a small rowboat. Bring some candles, string, gasoline, a lighter, and two 25 lb weights. Do not bring any clothes on or with you, as that could hinder the transformation. Light the candles and repeat:

    Flounder above, breathe below.

    Without any earthly burdens in tow.

    Replace my legs with fishy fins.

    So I may become whole again.

    Now, tie the weights to your legs and douse the boat in gasoline. Light the boat ablaze and jump into the ocean. Hold your breath until you get all the way to the bottom. Once at the bottom, you should be able to make your transformation. You will meet Sebastian the magical crab who will give you a simple test and then train you in the ways of the mermaid. Watch out for Bruce the shark. If you need help you can always ask the magical leoplurodon for help as well.

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