
Does anyone know a real witch

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Does anyone know a real witch




  1. Boo!


  2. Yes, Venus at is very popular. So is VisionSeer at .

  3. Me and everyone in my family.

  4. I know people who are mentally deluded and believe they are a witch!i

  5. Well, I'm Wiccan and I'm studying to be a "witch".  Does that count?  Otherwise I do know others who practice witchcraft.

  6. My sister in law is a wiccan. She's a moron.

  7. YES! I know a few witches but am not myself a member of a coven. Keltasia and Raji the Green witch are 2 of my contacts. I believe they practice Wicca. Christ Witch is a Spiritualist and medium. However I myself am a bit more eclectic in the way I perform healing and psychic events and I use many different techniques to insure a positive out come.

    Peace&Love be with you...~M~  

  8. yeah, my mother in law

  9. Yes

  10. Yes, we've practiced the craft in my family for the many generations, I am the 6th generation practitioner. My Grandmother said it was further back than that, but these are the only journals I have in my possession.

    I have journals of spells, healing herbs and a few not so nice. And by the way, my family never referred to them as a "Book of Shadows".

    Our family was never Wicca, this is a new concept mixed with a variety of older ones, which has occurred during the middle part of the 20th century.

    Our beliefs go back much further.

    I would say, yes, we are all witches in my family & back 6 generations as well.

    My children, my nieces and nephews are the new generation, this makes them the seventh generation.

  11. Nope, they are all crazy lunatics anyways, lock em up I say.

  12. Yeah, me.

  13. Yes, 2 of my best friends are witches. And I know handfulls of others.  

  14. Yes quite a few.

  15. I am a real witch.  Have been a practicing Wiccan and witch for 15 years.  I know quite a few other real witches as well.

    But I'm curious - what is *your* definition of "real witch"?

    justin ohio - a few corrections to your statements:

    Witches practice magic.  Magic is energy - energy has no color.

    There were no women or suspected witches drowned during the Salem Witch Trials - the accused were imprisioned.  19 were hanged, 1 was pressed to death (7 out of this 20 were men), and several others died in prison awaiting trial.  These trials had nothing to do with actual witchcraft & magic.  ~ Perhaps you'd be interested in learning some reality associated with history.

    As far as the James Randi Million Dollar Challenge - and this statement is quoted directly from its website, "At JREF, we offer a one-million-dollar prize to anyone who can show, under proper observing conditions, evidence of any paranormal, supernatural, or occult power or event."  

    Magic is neither paranormal nor supernatural.  It can be considered "occult" which simply means beyond the range of ordinary knowledge.

    But you can bet that this guy's definition of what constitues magic working would be different than those who know how magic works.  

    I do not need a million bucks badly enough to spend however long it takes under a microscope attempting to prove to some skeptic that magic works - because the subtle ways in which it does would probably not be good enough for him anyway.  I feel no need to prove anything to anyone but myself.  I will stand by this statement, "To Know, to Dare, to Will, to Keep Silent."...I find my magic works much better this way.

  16. yes my father he says a witch is a spell caster & gender is of no matter!

  17. i'm a witch/vampire.

  18. My friends mom, ive never seen her like cast spells or anything but she has a lot of strange **** around the house and does some weird hasnt improved her living condition much so i dont imagine her magic is effective but..its still weird lol

  19. well im a wiccan  and yes  i know  real witches  

  20. Myself? I'm not a Wiccan, I'm a fam. trad. witch. Does that count? I don't know what you're calling "real" here. Please elaborate.

  21. yes.

  22. There are many people that practice the "black arts" or whatever they choose to call it. However, just like in the Salem witch trials, they don't really exist. During the trials they would drown those (women, go figure) suspected of witchcraft to proove whether or not they were indeed a witch. If in fact they were a witch, then they would be forced to reveal their magic powers in order to save themselves from drowning. Guess how many witches they found? Not one!

    Ever heard of the James Randi paranormal challenge? This is a foundation that has been around for quite some time. They have an open offer of one million dollars to anyone who can display any sort of paranormal or magical powers. Guess how many people have earned that million? Not one. So to answer your question, no.  

  23. Yo.  I know it's hard to believe, but we look just like everyone else, and we live everywhere.    :)   Wicca is one of the fastest growing religions today, which is interesting since Wiccans don't "recruit" like many other religions.

  24. Yes I am one i practice Kitchen witchery the use of herbs and other natural ingre. and now im teaching my kids

  25. yes i'm convinced i know of two, they cause a lot of trouble for people......

  26. I DO

  27. yes, my friend.

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