
Does anyone know a rough idea the percentage of fatal road accidents that where caused by under 25's?

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Does anyone know a rough idea the percentage of fatal road accidents that where caused by under 25's?




  1. Under 25's were responsible for over a thousand deaths on the road in 2005 Teenage boys being the worst offenders

  2. Probably >50%.

  3. i don't remember the numbers but Young drivers are more at risk for accidents, but old drivers are also very high risk. The difference was that the very old drivers usually just kill themselves whereas young drivers run into other people.

  4. The last I heard it was 76%

  5. That sucks cuz I bet half those were actually caused by someone who wasn't involved in the accident.  I saw a wreck happen the other day where a young girl panicked whan another car started moving over to her lane but didn't hit her.  The girl just got shocked and hit the car on the other side of her and the car behind her.  the older lady on her phone who really caused all this just kept going and it made me think how often this happens.

  6. Drivers age 15- to 20-years old accounted for 12.9 percent of all the drivers involved in fatal crashes and 16 percent of all the drivers involved in police-reported crashes. Twenty-five percent of teen drivers killed were intoxicated

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