
Does anyone know a spell that involves writing someones name on paper and putting it in knickers??

by  |  earlier

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Sounds weird but years ago, i heard of a love spell as above. Does anyone know it. If not, does anyone know an easy spell or wives tale that will make someone like or love you? This is a lighthearted thing, so please don't get all sanctimonious on me!!




  1. Are you serious?

  2. Actually, I do know of one.

    but its not to fall in love, its a kiss.

  3. Putting my name on a piece of paper and slipping it into someones pants?  Yeah, I've done that, magic numbers that will open communication lines through the air (AKA phone number) was on the paper too, the specific part of the pant to place the paper in is called the 'pocket.'

    Sometimes, see something for what it is.  It's not all mystics and magics.


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