
Does anyone know a text message that has the hidden message of I Love You?

by  |  earlier

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He's a few years older than me I don't want it to look really cheesy. But i also want him to now realise that I love him




  1. ditto

  2. Why do you want to hide it?  Either say it or don't say it, but don't play games when it comes to serious emotions.

  3. Just send a text, follow it by ALOT of 'next line' things and put "I Love You" right at the bottom

    if they're like the huge majority of people, he/she'll read back through the texts that you've sent and realize it after a while and most likely text you randomly sometime.

    Could be minutes, hours, days, weeks.. how ever long it takes for your guy/girl to realize  

  4. uuhhh!

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