
Does anyone know a way to make a really easy inexpensive nightvision tool?

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I want to make an easy nightvision optical thing....okay. or something that i can use to see in the dark that makes no light at not talking about camcorder and PLEASE DO NOT TELL ME ABOUT THIS VIDEO ( ) IVE SEEN IT BEFORE--just wanna find out if ther are other ways...thanks!

im only 13 years old so your going to have to give good really handy but need good instructions




  1. A Dim Flashlight

  2. You either need an infrared sensitive charged coupled device (CCD), or a photo-multiplier tube.  Army surplus stores and Efston Science might carry photo-multipliers.  You'd need a high-voltage power supply though.  Ask at your nearest community college for the electronics technologist professor - he'll be able to direct you to books on building power supplies.

  3. You have 2 choices:  image intensification tubes, or some sort of CCD.  The image intensification tubes appear to come from everywhere, but in fact most of them can be tracked back to components from ITT.  Unless you know what you're doing, the average hobbyist isn't going to be able to just hook one of those up.

    They also make CCD's with various enhancements so that they have extended response in the short wave IR (and visible light).  At their best, they can come close to the performance of image intensifiers.  They cost serious money.

    However, lots of common visible light electronic cameras (CCDs and CMOS) have some performance in the short wave IR region.  They aren't 'night vision'; they don't perform very well in very low light (regardless of whether it is visible light or IR light).  But you could combine it with an IR illuminator such as an LED and use it at night.  With your eyes, you won't be able to 'see' it.  If somebody else has any kind of night vision equipment, you will be visible from miles away.

  4. You could do a web search to find components. You basically need the optical sensor to do anything. You can probably find it surplus somewhere.

    Or buy a camera already built. Cheapest I know of is $33 for black and white, $40 for color. I don't know what they mean by nightvision, but I suspect if means a relatively poor infrared detector. Some devices multiply existing light, others sense IR. If you use an IR light, also available from Harbor, it will illuminate.

  5. You're funny. If it were easy, cheap then everyone would be doing it. There is NO really inexpensive nightvision equip. out there. At least what a 13 y/o would consider inexpensive.

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