
Does anyone know a way to pass a urinaylasis test for someone who has thc in their system ?

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Does anyone know a way to pass a urinaylasis test for someone who has thc in their system ?




  1. Synthetic urine at a head shop

  2. switch to using crack instead.

  3. stop doing drugs

  4. I've heard of people drinking apple cider vinegar, not sure if it works though.

  5. This is a link to the only product I know for sure

    works when used properly :

    Good Luck.

  6. ok don't use anything you can buy. they are all illegal and you can and will get busted with the tiniest slip up. the only thing to do is use your own urine at your own body temperature.

    it depends on how often you use. rarely (less than once a month), it will be gone in less than 10 days, no sweat. often (2-4 times a month), about 2-3 weeks and you're fine. a heavy user (like every day), and that can take a month or more to be clear.

    so here's what you can do. the test measures thc concentration, so all you have to do is lower the concentration.  stop using now to give you time before the test. stay properly hydrated until then, and on the day of the test, drink water and gatorade. a lot of it. not so much that your urine turns totally clear, because thats looks suspicious.

    pee once or twice before the exam, because your first pee of the day is the most concentrated. then and you should be good to go!

    if you're worried about your urine being too clear, you can take some vitamin b-12 which will turn your urine yellow. don't over do it though, the recommended daily dose will be fine.

    if you're a serious pot head though, you might need to drink a lot of fluids *and* take diuretics. go to your local drug store and pick up some pills from whatever aisle has cures for bloating due to menstruation, or cures for urinary tract infections. look for ones that are diuretics.

    no matter what you see being sold or hawked on the internet, there are NO ABSOLUTES.

    however, even if the drug screen does find some minimal thc, it may be under the amount necessary to fail you. this is to prevent false positives.

    don't be too worried, with 7 days you should be fine. less, and you'll probably be fine too.

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