
Does anyone know a website or have ideas for book reports for third grade?

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Non-traditional book reports.

I want to have my kids respond to their reading in an exciting book report format and am looking for ideas.

Thanks for the help




  1. They could write a newspaper interview, perhaps different children could write about different characters in the book.  The child could summarize with why they thought the particular character was important to the story and/or how the story would be different without the character.  A newspaper has many different parts, a child who is an artist might want to draw a comic story, there could be editorials on whether the story was a good one, or not and why people should or should not read/buy the book.

  2. sorry ay an no espik inglis

  3. todo lo entendi perfectamente, pero una pregunta. thanks se escribe con h ,ji,ji,ji,ji,ji,ji,ji

  4. Yea, the old book format is lame. Go to and ask for Bloom's taxonomy. Pick analysis. Make the book report an analysis report. Use the verbs provided. It may be pictoral, etc. They can turn it into a mystery about themselves as the characters and their classmates, the school, their family and have the other classmates guess who is who.  But again us higher order strategies.

  5. I can´t  to offer some title, so that you do not have to only answer questions, say you kids that do not ask, jiji.


  6. para tercer grado tienes que hacerlo guiado eso de ley, y mas si es rollo en ingles (te lo digo colega) que tal un brainstorm para empezar?

    hacer una historia alterna del libro que leyeron, cambiando personajes, o setting, o endings (es divertidismo, caperucita acabo cenandose al lobo en una que hice con mis niños) esto ayuda mucho a entender y darle otro sentido a lo que leen

    la idea de la taxonomia de bloom tambien es bastante buena, te va una page

    y el que esta arribita de mi tambien tiene ideas geniales!!! (de hecho se las voy a fusilar ¬¬ jejeje)

    esta genial espero poder ayudar en algo =P

  7. Thanks to you.

  8. Parece que las "Galletas" mandaron tu pregunta a la seccion en español de YR o que la planteaste aqui

    Bueno ahi va un foro, espero te sirva

  9. A few ideas that I've done...

    Make a new book cover for the book - illustrate the cover with the title and author and an illustration, the inside front flap has a summary, the back cover has books that are similar or have similar character situations, etc, and the inside back flap has a recommendation.

    Quilt Squares - each square has the title, an illustration, and a catch phrase/tag line for the book.  Then in addition to the quilt square, kids make a book out of paper quilt squares that include characters, setting, problem, solution, theme, and similar stories.

    News Paper Want Ads - "Wanted, a good book!" kids write a brief summary and a review, and give it a rating

    Film strip - out of a pringles canister or similar, make strips of paper like comic strips and feed them through the top of the can.  Decorate the outside of the can with quotes, pictures, and other tings from the story.

    Advertisements - similar to news paper ads - only students present it to the class

    good luck!

  10. What????  de que se trata gemela  ,  insistó me quieres volver loca.....................

    la verdad no tengo idea de como ayudarte esta ocasión  gemelita

    sorry..........stay cooz and cool

  11. What? o.O!

    I only know that I don’t know anything

    Greetings Ninis.


  12. si lo haces en spanish,

    me ayudaras

  13. Yo te aconsejo que te metas en Intwernet y estoy seguro que encontrarás lo que necesitas si pones Libro de Tercer grado Primaria. Ahí hay suficiente material para lo que necesites. Suerte. Nota: encontré que hay material para Una guía para complementar y apoyar la Educación en la casa.

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