
Does anyone know a website that instructs on how to send care packages to our troops?

by  |  earlier

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I'd like to send some of them whatever they need.






    they are the best, ,  

    as a female and with a female marine,  we have special needs,  seperate from being in the military, and they do list what units have females, and what those females might be needing,   so that is why i find them to be the best,  

    My little Lance Cpl is in the sand pit,  but she has good acess to the a px, but she hears of those who do not, so the help is always appreciated,

  2. Why would you want to send gifts to people  who volunteered to go mass murder people and wreck their country?

  3. soldiers angels is one and theres 2/7cav and friends google will probably give you a ton of hits oh and adopt a soldier is one too.....thanks for your support we do appreciate it

  4. How about

    Or would you rather I say heil! and gosse step along side your low IQ's

    and your deep oblivious needs to embrace lies about what we're doing wrecking other people's countries, and mass murdering in them?

  5. Elmer's right.

    Murderers deserve no sympathy or help.

    Neither  do their lower class parents who would be fool enough to volunteer their own children to some rich guys game of conquer-for-profit.  How tragically idiotic. Your own kids. Wow.


    EDIT --------->Oh yes, buddy, it's "rude and TASTELESS( ! ) " to not speak in favor of decimating someone else's country, killing 1 1/4 million people there since 1990, and charging US to get to fix the damage caused.

    We sure are tasteless, us people with brains, and consciences.

    Shame on us, for not PARROTTING known lies-propaganda, known to be BS- like you do .

    -and  for not backing the mass murder without questioning it , like you do.

    Shame on us for not saying stupid things.

    -and for not being ok with the presidential elections being rigged and noone doing anything about it.

    Shame on us for not IDIOTICALLY waving a flag about it all INSTEAD...and sending our kids to go commit murder, and have a 50% chance of coming back dead, deformned or mentally ill for life. All for no decent reason at all.

    Shame on us for not saying the stupid thing you just did, in spite of the grave weight of all that.



    My husband is deployed right now and has actually received packages from people just like you through this organization.

    **What is with all the dill-holes giving thumbs down on accurate info? Ppl need to grow up.**

  7. LegalEnviroGuy, There are websites like Operation Home Front, Cell Phones For Soldiers, Operation Phone Card (just learned of this site), and the military sites might help to give you some ideas.

    I do know that military personnel stationed overseas are ALWAYS seeking prepaid phone cards. They are one of the most asked for items. Links below. Good luck!

  8. The military is no longer accepting anonymous "to and soldier, sailor, or marine" packages/letters.  Thi is primarily due to protecting our troops from inapprpriate packages/letters that were being received by our troops.  They weren't common but they did happen.

    In a nutshell, unless you know someone serving your best bet would be to identify an organization you can donate money to (there are quite a few out there) and then they provide items (possible avenues for information are your local VFW, the USO, Red Cross, etc).

  9. There are a few different programs that can help you send care packages and letters to troops. Just google "sending care packages to troops."

    One that I found was  They have info on who to send to, what to send and how to send it.  

    I wish everyone would get more involved.  Even something as simple as a letter written from you can help boost someones spirit.

    Thanks for your support.  Our troops need it!

    Edit:  For all the people that do nothing but down talk anyone who is serving in the Military; someones gotta do it.  You should all be thankful. You will never understand what it's like until you have someone you love in a dangerous place.  They are there doing their job and following the orders that they are given.

    You see what the media wants you to see.  How often do you hear about ANYTHING positive in the news?  Never.  Want to know why?  People don't get excited over positive news stories.

  10. send them some more hand grenades for blowing up kids with..they are running low

  11. Your best bet is to get the address of the regiment in the UK or US where ever you live and send the package to them. They will then forward the package direct to the troops.

    It might be an idea to get the phone number also and speak to the adjudent to explain that you are sending a package for the troops.

    I think this is a lovely idea and will let people know someone is thinking of them

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