
Does anyone know a website where i can know my child's appearance?

by  |  earlier

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it's like uploading a picture of the mom and the dad..

and then you would place dots on the features that you want the child to inherit...

and then you will click some button and then you will see the potential appearance of the child of that two people...




  1. try typing in google "a website were i can know my childs appearance


    i think that is the site you are talking about.

    but it would show them as an adult, potentially.

  3. no

    google around though

    you may find something

    bet theres a fee though!

  4. Yeah! that's funny. Can't tell you how accurate that would be. I have a kid with brown hair, brown eyes and one with pale skin, blue eyes and blonde hair, and I have NO idea how that happened. Biology is a funny thing.

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