
Does anyone know a website where i can learn capoeira for free?

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i want to learn capoeira like christie monteiro from tekken. can you help me?




  1. Go to youtube and type in Capoira, it should give you plenty of videos to look at.    Now with that said and done, a little friendly adviced.

    With all the sincerity of my response, training via online, videos, or books without proper instruction and guidance from a qualified martial arts instructor are rarely a path one chose if they want to succeed and progressed as a serious and dedicated martial artist.

    Self-training using video, internet and books cannot turn you into a good or an effective martial arts practitioner. Many can argue that Bruce Lee did it, but how many had forgotten that Bruce Lee had a solid martial arts background before he ventured on to create Jeet Kune Do concept ?

    Another detrimental result by training online , videos, or books is that this method teaching medium cannot correct or give you advices either you're doing things right or even wrong. Training martial arts without proper instructions and supervision can also cause minor or even serious injury.

    Learning martial arts via online, videos, or books can be best described  having a online, videos, or books romance. You don't quite get the real thing !

    You might think that you may have discovered the ultimate and cheaper way of training in the martial arts, but when reality strikes, the facade and sloppiness of your "self-training" will show.   The worst that can happen also is having a false sense of security.

    A majority of self-taught, pseudo blackbelts, MMA poseurs and other fraudulent wanna-be martial arts "practitioners" are one of the main reasons why the general public looks down on the martial arts and its practitioners. Many of the long time legitimate practitioners of the martial arts regardless of styles finds this awfully frustrating and horrendous , when we spent half of our life trying to live up to the highest standard and virtues of our beloved art.  

    For long time and experienced practitioners of the martial arts , video training or other forms of training such as DVD's and the internet are just another "tool" in our  "toolbox"

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