
Does anyone know a website where i could....?

by  |  earlier

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get FREE ringtones, moving pictures, wallpapers, and c**p like that?? im verizon...i need a site where, all u do, is type in ur cell number and they could that pic to u....plz help me...

add me when ur done :)





  1. to be honest, your phone can crash because of that. ive had it happen to me. i suggest that you just buy whatever you want from verizon or get your friends to send them too you.

  2. Wellll... my website has a few cell phone wallpapers, but no sort of service where the pic is sent to you.  The site is currently NOT cell-phone browser compatible. You'd have to download it and put it on an SD card or something.  You could also mail the image to yourself (I don't have an automated mail-system)  and then download it to your phone that way.  On the other hand, at least I don't send spam to your cell phone number afterwards.  Unfortunately, this does not ENTIRELY answer your question.  

    Most of the websites I've found offering that service in an online search, like, require you to pay for it.  I found one that MAY not, but I'm not sure if they text-message, and I'm wary of linking it to you as some of the images are a bit mature in nature.

    Another website, will automatically email the image to you, and you may be able to access and download it through your phone's browser, at a cell-compatible mirror of your email provider's website.

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