
Does anyone know a wildlife rehab place in 13656 zip code? i found a bat, and it's hurt.?

by  |  earlier

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it is a little brown bat, and it's hurt. i want to help, but i don't know who to call. i live in lafargeville new york.




  1. get a veternarian or search that o n the internet

  2. DON'T touch the bat without gloves! The high risk of rabies makes it crucial that you don't touch it without gloves. Many rehabilitation facilities have mandatory euthanasia policies if you handle it without gloves. Or, you can use 3 washclothes together. Put the bat into a small box that is secured and has washclothes in the box.

    Don't try to feed to bat anything, it just increases your chances of getting bit. Bats can go for a few days without food (not ideal in summer, but they do hibernate all winter).

    Here is the New York Website, I'm not sure which office is the one you need to contact, but there is a "wildlife" phone number for each region.

    If you need more advice about the care and transport of the bat, please feel free to shoot me an e-mail.


    Rabies is found in 0.5% of bats. The problem is that when bats are sick (rabies included) they leave the group, so the odds of a sick bat that is found having rabies is higher. It's not so much the risk to you (although you will/would have to get the shots) as the fact that the bat has to be put down, so you would have gone to all that length to save it, only to get it euthanized.

  3. i dont know but im concerned to

  4. Look here for a bat rescue near you:

    Please take the above advice about not handling a bat with bare hands, if bitten they will kill the bat sick or not.  Bats can carry rabies but it is not as common in bats as most people think..less than 1% of all bats carry rabies.  Please do get teh bat to a rehab ASAP as they are a VERY important part of the ecosystem.

  5. Contact Project Wildlife, Look it up in your local telephone directory

  6. Call you local animal shelter/ Humane Society

  7. Please, don't touch that bat.  Don't go anywhere near it.  Call Animal Control.  If you have touched it, call the Department of Health and find out if you need rabies shots.  Rabies can be transmitted to humans by certain species of bats through the air.

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