
Does anyone know? aNY LAWYERS?

by Guest56883  |  earlier

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Im 19, my boyriend is 16, and we have a baby, and we have been together 3 years. We want to get married, and his guardian agrees. Can we? And what is the possibility of him fixing my legal status?




  1. A couple of things. I am assuming you are the illegal immigrant by asking "what is the possibility of him fixing my legal status?". If I'm wrong, sorry. Otherwise, there is nothing he can do at this point in time because he is not of legal age. He would have to be 18 before he could petition for you to become a resident in the US.

    As for marriage... depending on what state you two live in will determine whether or not you can marry. Many states make it difficult to marry at all w/o the proper identification (photo ID and birth certificate) as well as a Social Security # or Resident Alien card, etc. Of course, that just depends on the state. California is pretty linient with these things, for example. If his guardian agrees, however, all you will need is for them to go with you and sign that he can marry (provided the state allows minors to marry).

    Regardless, good luck - especially with the baby!

  2. So you have been with this child since he was 13? There is a huge difference between a 16 year old and a prepubescent 13 year old.

    On top of that you indicate that you are illegally in the US.

    The answer is no this young boy of 16 can't be your meal ticket to a green card.

    In most states you are committing child abuse since you are past legal age.

  3. well because your over 18 it might be counted as satutory rape so wait til he's like 17

    because you could go to court and still lose the case

  4. You started dating this young boy at 13??? What a shame you should be arrested.  Also guess what?  Getting married to an American Citizen does not automatically make you a legal citizen anymore, although your child is.   Another mouth to feed........

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