
Does anyone know about Aspen bedding for my pet rat in Melbourne, Victoria?

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I was wondering if anyone knew a brand name or a store which I could purchase aspen beddings. Thanks in advance.




  1. Any local pet store will have bedding, even stores like target and wall-mart will sometimes carry pet supplies. If you can't find any aspen bedding, make sure to look for anything that says non-aromatic oils. Aspen is already non-aromatic, so it's the best obvious choice, but some other woods and wood mixes are non-aromatic.

    *NEVER use pine or cedar, as they contain highly aromatic oils which are very dangerous for the delicate respiratory system of rodents, especially rats.

  2. You can always order it on the web but I don't think  that  will be necessary.Go to your local pet shop and ask for it or Carefresh or another non-toxic bedding material.Maybe they could order it for you if they don't have it.

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