
Does anyone know about Employment in Germany?

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I'm a 23 year old woman with nothing to loose and thinking of moving abroad. Does anyone know about employment in Germany for people who dont speak German?




  1. I am a native German living in the States now. When my husband first came to Germany (back then as my boyfriend) he had to apply for a visa. First he came in as a tourist. You can stay for 90 days as tourist within 6 month, that means when you stay for 3 month in a row how would have to leave for 6 month.

    You need eine Aufenthaltserlaubnis. You can apply for one at the Ausländeramt (administration for foreigners) but you have to explain them what you want to do in Germany and if your finances are secure. You can not apply for any money from the government. A good thing to do is to teach English. In the big cities there is a great need for native English speakers. You would have to be a freelancer, they pay you by the hour but you have no benefits.

    If you want to look for a job as an employee things get more complicated. You need a work permit. For this you have to apply at the Arbeitsamt (administration for work). The chances to get one are the best if you had a job already, maybe with an American company.

    It would be very useful to learn German. Once you are there you can take classes at the Volkshochschule (similar to a Community College). The classes are good. You can even get a European certification on different levels.

    Good luck!!

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