
Does anyone know about Julius Streicher (publisher of Der Sturmer)?

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Why do you think he shouted "Purim Fest 1946!" just before he was hanged? And if it is reliable, does anyone have any ideas why he would have said such a thing?




  1. Streicher was sentenced to death by hanging at the Nuremberg Trial. On October 16, 1946, Streicher was executed. When he went up to the scaffolding, he spat at the hangman and said, "The Bolsheviks will hang you one day!" Just before he fell to his death, he shouted, "Purim Festival, 1946!" apparently referring to the Jewish celebration commemorating the deliverance of the Jews from Haman, who had advocated their extermination, but had instead himself been hanged.*]


    In short: It`s a jewish celebration and the origin is the saving from a genocide on the persian jews.

    Haman, the chancelor of the persian empire, had the acception from the persian king Xerxes  (519 bis 486 v. Chr.) to kill the jews on a day to drew by lot. Thats why "Purim" = lot.

    The jewish persian girl Esther saved their jewish people from genocide, through beeing the wife of Xerxes So she orderd the execution of Haman and Haman`s sons.

    I think that`s enough to understand why Streicher shouted Purim Fest 1946.

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