
Does anyone know about Lazy eyes?

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OKay today i saw a person with a lazy eye. Thats when one eye looks one way while the other eyes looks where the person is focusing on right?? Well that got me thinking , if they have that one eye looking some where were the person isnt actually focusing on how do they actually focus on the object or person with that normal eye , just one eye ?




  1. What you are referring to is in fact strabismus.  If the eye not looking "straight" or the nondominant eye gets weaker because it is not used as often, then that is known as a "lazy eye" or amblyopia.

    Like stated above, the brain ends up shutting off the image to the eye that is deviating.

  2. They typically see just one image from their "dominant" eye, depending on the cause and severity. The brain shuts off the drifting eye after a period of time, leaving just the one eye seeing the majority of the time.

  3. That isn't lazy eye, it is called strabismus.

    The person is focusing at the object with just the eye that is looking at the object.  The brain ignores the information from the other eye.

  4. Yes, lemon, just on eye.

  5. Typically they adjust to perceiving the image in the dominant eye. It is not always the same eye. Eye muscle exercises work very well to manage this condition.

  6. That is strabismus amblyopia. I have refractive amblyopia. Thats when one is is a bit short sighted and you can only see out of one eye. (Your dominant eye).

    What got you thinking, it's hard to explain. You don't see out of both eyes so you don't see both objects. You just see the object from your good eye. The other eye looks in a different direction but you cant see that object.

    Judy B is wrong. It is still a form of lazy eye. There is strabismus and refractive amblyopia.

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